Search Engine Optimization SEO campaign for e-Commerce Website

Search Engine Optimization SEO campaign for e-Commerce Website

** There is an english version on the lower part of the page. **





1. 關鍵字分析

2. 競爭對手分析

3. SEO分析報告

4. 查找和從網站固定所有的技術錯誤

5. 頁面優化(設計的東西

6. 添加著陸頁如果需要的話。

7. 社會媒體優化等

8. 關閉頁面優化(與其他網站獲得高質量的反向鏈接推廣的東西)。

9. 內容寫作



1. 獲取相關的關鍵字,最好的關鍵詞排名。







我們做手工提交導致永久性質量追溯鏈接,這樣就可以對你的首要網頁的潛在流量,並最終投資回報率將Increase.100 3-4個月內保證%SEO結果,我們致力於為您的成功和投資回報率我們的關注!

上面只是一個簡單的介紹。任何搜索引擎優化(或在線廣告計劃),是基於特定的業務設置設計。沒有人能適合所有人。 因此,坐下來深入探討您的具體情況和期望是非常重要的。讓我知道,如果你有興趣,我們將用,它不僅提高了銷售公司,而且你的品牌產品的投標為您呈現。







  • 你知道你的生意比別人好得多。你知道,在您的分支使用的專用術語,你知道你應該尋找什麼,當你正在尋找的產品,如你的。

  • 你的客戶不知道你一樣。他們不知道自己的術語,他們可能使用完全不同的關鍵詞。例如,人們可以搜索關鍵字“隆鼻”,而你的職業自豪感告訴你,你應該用“隆鼻”。如果你不使用你的客戶使用的話,你的網站將不會被發現。

  • 你有沒有考慮搜索的意圖是什麼?僅僅因為一個關鍵字經常使用的搜索引擎,這並不意味著你會得到很多客戶。誰通過一個特殊的關鍵字找到你的網站的人可能不會有興趣購買。








  • 手機






  • 手機16 GB

  • Android手機

  • 手機在100 $

  • 三星手機





  • 三星手機32 GB

  • [機型名稱] 64GB















  1. :“酒店”

  2. 這個人可能有興趣在一般的酒店,在酒店工作,一台舊電視機系列等

  3. 。“邁阿密海灘”

  4. 這個人想要了解的地方一般信息。

  5. “邁阿密海灘酒店”

  6. 這個人在尋找不同的產品。

  7. “邁阿密海灘酒店價格”

  8. 這個人在比較價格。

  9. “預訂邁阿密海灘酒店房間,”

  10. 這人是準備購買。

We are a result-oriented e-commerce solutions provider and we are doing this kind of project for many years. We do all our work in an cost-effective basis for long-term and sustainable benefit of our clients.

We will be optimizing your website in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing which results in improvements in Keyword Ranking, Traffic & Link popularity. 

SEO is not only a programming skill, but also includes other expertise in order to maximize your web exposure to most relevant potential customers.

Therefore, our SEO service helps your website ( and exactly your business ) via even more tools:

1. Keyword Analysis

2. Competitor Analysis

3. SEO Analysis report

4. Finding & fixing all the technical errors from the website

5. On-page optimization (Designing stuff)

6. Adding landing pages if required.

7. Social Media Optimization etc

8. Off page optimization (Promotional stuff with other website to get quality Back links).

9. Content Writing

10. Reputation management.


SEO Benefits:

1. Get relevant keywords and best keywords ranking.

2. Bring your website top on Google.

3. Increase page rank.

4. Increase your traffics and quality back links.

5. Helps to increase your online sales.

We will not assure you that after we start the SEO Campaign for your website your site will be positioned in Top page of Google, Yahoo & Bing and other search engines and your website will generate revenues as traffic will float your website.

We do manual submissions which results in Permanent Quality Back links, so that you can have your potential traffic on your prime pages and ultimately your ROI will Increase.100% Guaranteed SEO Results within 3-4 months, we committed to your success & Your ROI our Concern!

Above is just a brief introduction. Any SEO ( or online advertising plan ) is designed based on specific business setup. No one could fit all. Therefore, it is important to sit down and discuss in depth on your specific situation and expectation. Let me know if you are interested and We’ll present you with a proposal that would not only improve sales of your company but also brand your products.

If you have any query, we will be more happy to provide you our quick assistance.

What is our strength?

The right keywords are important. A number 1 listing on Google can be totally pointless if it is for the wrong keyword. And more important, you have got top page but visit just bounce back once arrived at your top page. Is that what you want? NO! Everybody is looking for SALES.

Think twice before you start

Many webmasters think that they already know the best keyword for their websites. If they haven't done some research, they are usually wrong. There are several reasons for that:

  • You know your business much better than anybody else. You know the special terms that are used in your branch and you know what you should search for when you're looking for products like yours.
  • Your customers don't know as much as you. They don't know your terminology and they might use totally different keywords. For example, people might search for the keyword "nose job" while your professional pride tells you that you should use the word "rhinoplasty." If you don't use the words that your customers use, your website won't be found.
  • Have you considered the intention of the searcher? Just because a keyword is used very often on search engines it doesn't mean that you'll get many customers. People who find your website through a special keyword might not be interested in purchasing.

It's very important that you take some time to find the best keywords for your website. The time and efforts that you invest in finding the right keywords will pay back in no time.

The HIGHEST traffic keywords are NOT equal to the MOST EFFECTIVE AND SUITABLE keywords to you.

1. Choose the right keyword type to get more sales

When web surfers want to purchase something online, they go through three research phases. Searchers usually start with general keywords.

1. Keywords for browsing

A web surfer might be interested in a mobile phone The keyword that the web surfer might use in search engines could be:

  • mobile phone

People who use keywords for browsing are usually looking for information only. Keywords for browsing usually have a very high search volume. Getting a top 10 ranking for these general keywords is very difficult and nearly impossible.

It is unlikely that a web surfer who uses such a generic keyword will buy something.

2. Keywords for comparing

In the second research phase, web surfers narrow their selection because they now know what type of product they want. For example, the web surfer might have found out the he is interested in a mobile phone. The keywords of these web surfers are more specific:

  • mobile phone 16 GB
  • android mobile phone
  • mobile phone under $100
  • samsung mobile phone

People who use keywords for comparing are more ready to buy. Keywords for comparing often have much lower search volume than general keywords but they will lead to more sales, and it is much easier to get top 10 rankings for these keywords.

3. Keywords for buying

During the last research phase, web surfers know what they want to purchase. They are just looking for the website with the best offer. For that reason, these surfers use very specific keywords:

  • samsung mobile phone 32 GB
  • [model name] 64 GB

People who use keywords for buying are ready to buy. Unfortunately, these keywords won't help you much if you offer competing products.

2. One-word keywords don't deliver customers

Single words cannot be promoted effectively. For example, it is not likely that someone looking for "free accounting software" is going to type just "software" into the search box.

One-word keywords are very competitive

Another disadvantage of one-word keywords is that they are very competitive. You will be competing with millions of other pages for a search engine's attention. It is unrealistic to think that a new website could rank number one on a popular phrase like "mp3." More established companies, who have been on the Internet for several years, will have the big advantage of a high link popularity.

Multiple-word keywords are more likely to convert

People who whose multiple word keywords on search engines are either in the 'compare' or the 'buying' phase. They are more likely to purchase goods or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb Research).

Why multiple word keywords make your website more relevant

Search engines analyze all pages of your website and put them in context. Start with multiple word keywords and then extend your keyword list. If you're selling MP3 files, you should optimize your web pages for keywords such as "independent bands mp3," "alternative grunge mp3," "80s pop music mp3 download" and similar keywords first.

If your website has many rankings for these keywords, search engines will find out that your website is relevant to the mp3 topic. As soon as search engines consider your website relevant to this topic, it will be much easier to get high rankings for keywords such as "mp3 download" or even "mp3."

3. Check the intention of the searcher

A keyword that has many searches per month isn't necessarily a good keyword. It also depends on what the searcher is looking for. If you are booking hotel rooms in Miami Beach, then people who enter "book miami beach hotel room" in Google's search box are exactly the people you're looking for.

But that's the best case. Depending on the intention of the surfer, the searches might be different:

  1. "hotel"
    This person might be interested in hotels in general, in hotel jobs, an old TV series, etc.
  2. "miami beach"
    This person wants general information about the place.
  3. "miami beach hotel"
    This person is looking for different offerings.
  4. "miami beach hotel prices"
    This person is comparing prices.
  5. "book miami beach hotel room"
    This person is ready to buy.

Product Name Search Engine Optimization SEO campaign for e-Commerce Website

** There is an english version on the lower part of the page. **





1. 關鍵字分析

2. 競爭對手分析

3. SEO分析報告

4. 查找和從網站固定所有的技術錯誤

5. 頁面優化(設計的東西

6. 添加著陸頁如果需要的話。

7. 社會媒體優化等

8. 關閉頁面優化(與其他網站獲得高質量的反向鏈接推廣的東西)。

9. 內容寫作



1. 獲取相關的關鍵字,最好的關鍵詞排名。







我們做手工提交導致永久性質量追溯鏈接,這樣就可以對你的首要網頁的潛在流量,並最終投資回報率將Increase.100 3-4個月內保證%SEO結果,我們致力於為您的成功和投資回報率我們的關注!

上面只是一個簡單的介紹。任何搜索引擎優化(或在線廣告計劃),是基於特定的業務設置設計。沒有人能適合所有人。 因此,坐下來深入探討您的具體情況和期望是非常重要的。讓我知道,如果你有興趣,我們將用,它不僅提高了銷售公司,而且你的品牌產品的投標為您呈現。







  • 你知道你的生意比別人好得多。你知道,在您的分支使用的專用術語,你知道你應該尋找什麼,當你正在尋找的產品,如你的。

  • 你的客戶不知道你一樣。他們不知道自己的術語,他們可能使用完全不同的關鍵詞。例如,人們可以搜索關鍵字“隆鼻”,而你的職業自豪感告訴你,你應該用“隆鼻”。如果你不使用你的客戶使用的話,你的網站將不會被發現。

  • 你有沒有考慮搜索的意圖是什麼?僅僅因為一個關鍵字經常使用的搜索引擎,這並不意味著你會得到很多客戶。誰通過一個特殊的關鍵字找到你的網站的人可能不會有興趣購買。








  • 手機






  • 手機16 GB

  • Android手機

  • 手機在100 $

  • 三星手機





  • 三星手機32 GB

  • [機型名稱] 64GB















  1. :“酒店”

  2. 這個人可能有興趣在一般的酒店,在酒店工作,一台舊電視機系列等

  3. 。“邁阿密海灘”

  4. 這個人想要了解的地方一般信息。

  5. “邁阿密海灘酒店”

  6. 這個人在尋找不同的產品。

  7. “邁阿密海灘酒店價格”

  8. 這個人在比較價格。

  9. “預訂邁阿密海灘酒店房間,”

  10. 這人是準備購買。

We are a result-oriented e-commerce solutions provider and we are doing this kind of project for many years. We do all our work in an cost-effective basis for long-term and sustainable benefit of our clients.

We will be optimizing your website in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing which results in improvements in Keyword Ranking, Traffic & Link popularity. 

SEO is not only a programming skill, but also includes other expertise in order to maximize your web exposure to most relevant potential customers.

Therefore, our SEO service helps your website ( and exactly your business ) via even more tools:

1. Keyword Analysis

2. Competitor Analysis

3. SEO Analysis report

4. Finding & fixing all the technical errors from the website

5. On-page optimization (Designing stuff)

6. Adding landing pages if required.

7. Social Media Optimization etc

8. Off page optimization (Promotional stuff with other website to get quality Back links).

9. Content Writing

10. Reputation management.


SEO Benefits:

1. Get relevant keywords and best keywords ranking.

2. Bring your website top on Google.

3. Increase page rank.

4. Increase your traffics and quality back links.

5. Helps to increase your online sales.

We will not assure you that after we start the SEO Campaign for your website your site will be positioned in Top page of Google, Yahoo & Bing and other search engines and your website will generate revenues as traffic will float your website.

We do manual submissions which results in Permanent Quality Back links, so that you can have your potential traffic on your prime pages and ultimately your ROI will Increase.100% Guaranteed SEO Results within 3-4 months, we committed to your success & Your ROI our Concern!

Above is just a brief introduction. Any SEO ( or online advertising plan ) is designed based on specific business setup. No one could fit all. Therefore, it is important to sit down and discuss in depth on your specific situation and expectation. Let me know if you are interested and We’ll present you with a proposal that would not only improve sales of your company but also brand your products.

If you have any query, we will be more happy to provide you our quick assistance.

What is our strength?

The right keywords are important. A number 1 listing on Google can be totally pointless if it is for the wrong keyword. And more important, you have got top page but visit just bounce back once arrived at your top page. Is that what you want? NO! Everybody is looking for SALES.

Think twice before you start

Many webmasters think that they already know the best keyword for their websites. If they haven't done some research, they are usually wrong. There are several reasons for that:

  • You know your business much better than anybody else. You know the special terms that are used in your branch and you know what you should search for when you're looking for products like yours.
  • Your customers don't know as much as you. They don't know your terminology and they might use totally different keywords. For example, people might search for the keyword "nose job" while your professional pride tells you that you should use the word "rhinoplasty." If you don't use the words that your customers use, your website won't be found.
  • Have you considered the intention of the searcher? Just because a keyword is used very often on search engines it doesn't mean that you'll get many customers. People who find your website through a special keyword might not be interested in purchasing.

It's very important that you take some time to find the best keywords for your website. The time and efforts that you invest in finding the right keywords will pay back in no time.

The HIGHEST traffic keywords are NOT equal to the MOST EFFECTIVE AND SUITABLE keywords to you.

1. Choose the right keyword type to get more sales

When web surfers want to purchase something online, they go through three research phases. Searchers usually start with general keywords.

1. Keywords for browsing

A web surfer might be interested in a mobile phone The keyword that the web surfer might use in search engines could be:

  • mobile phone

People who use keywords for browsing are usually looking for information only. Keywords for browsing usually have a very high search volume. Getting a top 10 ranking for these general keywords is very difficult and nearly impossible.

It is unlikely that a web surfer who uses such a generic keyword will buy something.

2. Keywords for comparing

In the second research phase, web surfers narrow their selection because they now know what type of product they want. For example, the web surfer might have found out the he is interested in a mobile phone. The keywords of these web surfers are more specific:

  • mobile phone 16 GB
  • android mobile phone
  • mobile phone under $100
  • samsung mobile phone

People who use keywords for comparing are more ready to buy. Keywords for comparing often have much lower search volume than general keywords but they will lead to more sales, and it is much easier to get top 10 rankings for these keywords.

3. Keywords for buying

During the last research phase, web surfers know what they want to purchase. They are just looking for the website with the best offer. For that reason, these surfers use very specific keywords:

  • samsung mobile phone 32 GB
  • [model name] 64 GB

People who use keywords for buying are ready to buy. Unfortunately, these keywords won't help you much if you offer competing products.

2. One-word keywords don't deliver customers

Single words cannot be promoted effectively. For example, it is not likely that someone looking for "free accounting software" is going to type just "software" into the search box.

One-word keywords are very competitive

Another disadvantage of one-word keywords is that they are very competitive. You will be competing with millions of other pages for a search engine's attention. It is unrealistic to think that a new website could rank number one on a popular phrase like "mp3." More established companies, who have been on the Internet for several years, will have the big advantage of a high link popularity.

Multiple-word keywords are more likely to convert

People who whose multiple word keywords on search engines are either in the 'compare' or the 'buying' phase. They are more likely to purchase goods or services than those using fewer words (source: Oneupweb Research).

Why multiple word keywords make your website more relevant

Search engines analyze all pages of your website and put them in context. Start with multiple word keywords and then extend your keyword list. If you're selling MP3 files, you should optimize your web pages for keywords such as "independent bands mp3," "alternative grunge mp3," "80s pop music mp3 download" and similar keywords first.

If your website has many rankings for these keywords, search engines will find out that your website is relevant to the mp3 topic. As soon as search engines consider your website relevant to this topic, it will be much easier to get high rankings for keywords such as "mp3 download" or even "mp3."

3. Check the intention of the searcher

A keyword that has many searches per month isn't necessarily a good keyword. It also depends on what the searcher is looking for. If you are booking hotel rooms in Miami Beach, then people who enter "book miami beach hotel room" in Google's search box are exactly the people you're looking for.

But that's the best case. Depending on the intention of the surfer, the searches might be different:

  1. "hotel"
    This person might be interested in hotels in general, in hotel jobs, an old TV series, etc.
  2. "miami beach"
    This person wants general information about the place.
  3. "miami beach hotel"
    This person is looking for different offerings.
  4. "miami beach hotel prices"
    This person is comparing prices.
  5. "book miami beach hotel room"
    This person is ready to buy.

Weight 1.000000
selling_potential 3
With Built-in Battery
Condition New
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